Q: How much does it cost for someone to edit my Podcast?

A: Typically between $150-550 per episode, but can go much higher depending on final deliverables. You can find more in depth information in this article.

Q: What are the biggest factors that drive up the cost for me?

A: Like most service based businesses, we price out work based on time. Some factors that impact the cost are: length of episodes, revisions needed, and additional deliverables like transcripts, distribution, and show snippets. We work closely with all of our customers to make sure to build the right solution for their needs.

Q: What does collaboration and critique look like?

A: Our clients and thier unique needs determine what collaboration looks like for each show. some of our clients trust our 3 pass system so much that we air the first draft. Some clients want a more hands on approach. After we send the first draft, the more hands on approach will send us specific edits, additional cuts, or revisions they might need. We then make a draft 2 and send to the client. If approved, that episode will go live. In some cases we might need additional drafts and edits. Neither way of working is wrong or bad, we’re happy to serve our clients in whatever way best fits their needs. Further, 90% of our first drafts are aired.

Q: Wouldn’t it just be better for myself or someone on our team to edit our podcast?

A: Possibly. The big question does come down to the numbers. This article provides more information to help you make the best decision about hiring a podcast service or DIY’ing it.

Q: If I hire someone like Blue Sky Podcasting, how much time will it still require from me?

A: Dividing podcasting into 3 phases can help answer this question. Pre-production, production, and post production can take as little as 1 hour and as much as 4 hours per episode. This article unpacks the time commitment more fully.

Q: Is podcasting really worth my time?

A: there are pro’s and cons to every communication platform. having your own podcast adds prestige to your brand, can help build stronger industry relationships, and result in new opportunities. But it can be time consuming and in some heavily regulated industries, be a headache. This article expands on the question, is podcasting worth my time.

Q: Ok, podcasting sounds good. But how do I make money from it?

A: The most popular way to make direct revenue from podcasting is through sponsorships. However, the biggest revenue boost for companies comes from selling more of your products and services because podcasting elevated you to the most trusted brand in your space. If you’re curious how else to make money through podcasting, this article provides 5 of the top revenue generators for podcasters.

Q: Ok, maybe a silly question, but what is a podcast?

A: Valid and NOT silly question. Simply defined a podcast is an audio program. While length of show, frequency of release, and formats vary, a podcast can look very different from show-to-show. Typically, podcasts are consumed on podcast players like Apple Podcast, Spotify, Anchor or the multitude of players popping up each year. Sometimes shows are listened to on website players. You might also define a podcast as an on-demand radio show.