Podcast Marketing Mastery: 4 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Show's Visibility
So, you have a great podcast! Wonderful! That's half the battle. Now we have to market that show. Here are our top 4 ways to market a new podcast or episode.
1. Existing channels are one of the best ways to market your podcast.
While you can share on social channels, remember to tease the information. Why should someone listen? How will it make their life better? Additionally, remember most social platforms are pay-to-play, so personal pages are sometimes the best way to get the word out about a few shows.
2. You might also find it helpful to text a top 10 list of friends and family or network partners.
It's great to have friends. Their friends likely care about similar topics as you do. Asking them to share about your show can be an excellent way to double your exposure instantly. If you feel good, invite your friends, family, and network partners to rate and review the show. Doing this on a separate day might be best. That way, they don't feel you're asking too much of them. Additionally, asking on a particular day might remind them to share if they previously forgot.
3. Traditional media, industry press, and blogs are a terrific way to get "traditional media" involved.
When we speak with local radio personalities, we often find they're anxious to share local stories with a unique angle. Similarly, industry press and bloggers always seek content to serve their audience. One pro tip would be to make it easy for them. We've even written an article for a local press that they had to review.
4. Remember to grow through your guest.
In the good old days, guests were anxious to share about being on a podcast show. We've found that it's a little more challenging today. One of the best ways to make it easy for your guests to share about being on your show is by giving them something to share. You might create a soundbite of one of their great moments or take a screenshot of their name on the podcast players.
We hope this encourages you with simple and actionable ways to market your show. Of course, there are so many excellent tools and strategies in marketing, but these are some of our favorites. Happy Podcasting!