Real Time Results with Craig Robertson

Casey: Hello Everyone,  and welcome to the Blue Sky Podcast. I'm here with my friend, Craig Robertson. Craig, thanks so much for being with me today.

Craig: Yeah, I'm thrilled to be here, Casey Thanks for asking me.

Casey: Absolutely. So, Craig is one of our incredibly talented podcast hosts that we work with. Uh, Craig, if you would take a moment, tell our listeners and viewers, uh, touch about what you guys do.

Craig: Okay, well, we're family law attorneys here in Mississippi. We work statewide. We have a boutique practice. We are divorced lawyers at our core. But that entails, I mean, everything related to families. So that's what we do.

Casey: And we've been, uh, we've had the opportunity to work on your podcast for, I guess about three years now. Four years? Is that right? Yeah. Crazy. That's a long time, man. It's really exciting. And, uh, it's been fun to see you guys do so many episodes. Uh, I would love for myself and for others just to hear why podcasting, why was this medium interesting for you?

Craig: Well, I used to watch this old show called Cheers, and on Cheers, there was a character, Frasier Crane. Well, they did a spin off from Cheers, and the show was Fraser. And Fraser was a psychiatrist, and he had a call in radio show. And as a divorce lawyer, I have so many people, oh, you must have the greatest stories. And so I always thought that it would be super cool to have a call in radio show that divorce lawyers did, because, I mean, we see people behaving badly, I should say. And I even was on public radio a couple of times. They have different call in type legal shows. And, uh, be honest with you, podcasting made that just accessible for us. Now, we don't have people call into the show, but what we do try to do is to tell people's life stories. And we also have different types of professionals on our show who help think about self discovery and also who provide services to people who are in life transition.

Casey: And examples would be counselors.

Craig: Uh, one of the more yeah, counselors, pastors, private investigators. We had, um, a person who does polygraph, which was, uh, test.

Casey: Maybe the most fun I've ever had on a podcast. That was really fun.

Craig: Yeah, it was a lot of fun. So, I mean, just all sorts of things. A lot of different therapists. But the core of our show is talking to real people who've been through real challenges and how they've, um, transitioned through one of the hardest things they've ever done.

Casey: Yeah, no doubt. And Perry, one of the things that's so important for us is that at the end of the day, the podcast does implement into the business marketing plan in some way, uh, for you guys. How does it help you to grow your business? Yes.

Craig: So with a family law attorney, essentially, people find us because they know a lawyer who doesn't necessarily specialize in divorce, or they come to us through another type of counselor, either their pastor or, um, their therapist, or they're referred by a client. And the other efforts, whether it be podcasting, whether it be the blogs that we write, whether it be our website, whether it be branded materials we put out there, sponsorships, I mean, you name it. As far as marketing, I've tried it. But podcasting number one, I like to think of myself as a creative person. And so it gives me a creative outlet to help market our business. And the other thing that podcasting does is it engages us on a deeper level with some of our referral sources. So, for example, I recently recorded a podcast with Dianne. Dia is a therapist, and Dia has been gracious enough to when someone needs legal help to send them our way. And so it helps deepen our relationship and also creates an outlet for reciprocal referrals. Because if I've got a client who I think, gosh, it'd be fantastic for you to work with Dia, then I can say, hey, go listen to episode 54 that I did with Dia, uh, and you can be introduced to who she is and the type of work that she does. And so I use it for education for my clients. I use it to help deepen referral sources. I help use it, um, well, I mean, we were talking about this before we started recording about helping to build my presence online. So we create transcripts from the, um, podcast and we post those transcripts online, and we believe that that helps with the searchability of our site.

Casey: Absolutely, yeah. Ah, we were working on a show one time, and we began posting transcripts, and the SEO tracker, uh, bumped up 15,000% as far as their searchability, uh, through these specific markers. Just because of all those keywords littered through the transcript.

Craig: That's right. And there's several buzzwords that, uh, people are very interested in. And so narcissists were, look, I'm married to a narcissist, I'm divorcing a narcissist. The more times that word is mentioned on our website, the higher traction we get.

Casey: No doubt. Well, Craig, thank you so much for taking a minute. I just want our listeners and viewers to have a moment to hear from someone who, uh, actually has implemented the podcast and enjoys doing it. And you're a great host, man. Thank you for what you do.

Craig: Well, thanks, Casey. We appreciate you guys. You guys make us sound amazing, so thank you.

Casey: Cool. Craig, that was great. Thanks, man.

Casey Combest